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Take pity on me, for I have done the stupid

Just one jump left to get back home, carrying enough exploration data to get that last 30% of Pioneer through to Elite, and my route planner tells me to use FSD boost to make it the rest of the way. I mistake the white dwarf for a neutron star and, visions of that welcome ticket to Jameson Memorial in my head and not seeing the exclusion-zone line, I head for the outer tip of the jet cone.

You know where this is going. RIP all those first-discovered claims and about a week's worth of star-hopping. Guess I'll be doing the passenger-mission grind instead. Lesson learned, I guess—leaving that "use jet-cone boost" option unchecked in the route planner from now on.

Is there a merit badge or a special club I can join for "dolts who drowned in radiation from a broken canopy while their FSD shrugged and said 'you figure it out, genius'"?


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