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Tarkov and the Full-Auto Meta

The following is not mine, but copied from over on the official forums and well received over there

Hey Guys,

so – I wanted to compare recoil between games I love – EFT, Squad and Insurgency. Simply to visualize to me, what feels weird.

tl;dr – gun-control is a joke in EFT compared to other games with a more realistic (in terms of PC-Game) apporach.

I started with Insurgency.

  • Played it the last few days, so nothing special. I got what I expected. It’s not easy, but possible if you are focussed. The recoil without control feels huge. But with actualy "work" and "focus" you can control it oretty good.

Then I went to Squad.

  • The Squadleader M4 visually it has a compensator and a foregrip – I think it does not matter that much. Recoil is crazy (you only use full-auto when prone (best with bipod) or in CQB if you want to hit anything – at least with my “skill”). There is a reason the standard soldier has semi and burst only.

Third game is EFT.

  • Honestly, I expected more of my modified gun. (It’s probably pretty bad, Recoil-Control LvL 5, AR-Skill LvL 2)
  • The difference between modded and unmodded was not worth doubling the video’s length.
  • I hate the “PMC” correcting the shooting for 3 years now. I don’t get it. And I’m bad at it. 
  • Between me only pressing “fire” and me trying to “control” anything – is barely no difference. I’d say the no-ads clip of me controlling the spray is the worst of all the games. But you and I know what maxed skills and a competent built gun look like. It’s a laser – just open any stream. Even me being not good in full-auto I was able to simply shoot on point with any further movement after correcting the first kick. Or in other words – if you bursts are useless. Full-auto is way more accurate.


  • YES – the distance shot is a joke. At that distance, spraying is completly fine in all games.
  • I guess you can still get my point. (Or watch good Tarkov-Players shooting long-range)
  • This video is ignoring movement at all. Shooting out of a sprint in Squad or Insurgency is far more complicated. On top of that, even the normal weapon-movement is far more relevant. 
  • This video ignores ammo, body-armor, etc. You can tank a few shots in Squad while you simply fall down in Insurgency. EFT – we all know the story.

My conclusion:

  • I love EFT. But not for the shooting. Movement, Details, Looting, Risk, Modding – those are great. Shooting your gun is a question of “how well modded (and what ammo)”. EFT could be way better without controlled recoil and more recoil in general. (Of course momentum of movement, no ADAD, and similar things are needed, too. But that's not part of this video)
  • Of course Insurgency or Squad are completely different games. But (as well or bad they are to compare) – the firefights feel way more interesting. You’re not insta-death most of the time at longer ranges. You have to move slower in general. Simply spraying around does not work.

Im generally in full agreement with what was said

Realistic Games are often distinguished by the more Arcade in that aggressive Semi-Fire is just as good, if not better than full auto

This comes from a couple of aspects:



Accuracy is what comprises of the basic skills involved with any shooter, but realistic games tend to have mechanics that make those two aspects harder

Accuracy in video games comes from 2 things:

Aiming- In the purest sense, this is putting your in-game cursor onto target via mouse input

Games can make this more difficult by adding weapon sway mechanics that the player then has to compensate for

In a game like Rainbow Six Siege where there are ZERO mechanics around aiming, 1st shot accuracy is PURELY how fast/accurately you can move that point of aim to target

Recoil- Having to use mouse input to counter the weapon's reaction to being fired

-Gives the sense of power of your weapon in game

-Challenges the player beyond their 1st-shot point of aim

Again, realistic shooters tend to make this harder by having more aggressive recoil values that makes a player have to fight harder to keep their aim on target

The above establishes why this game has such a dominant "full auto meta" because the drawbacks of doing so are not there

Combined with the really long TTK (if you dont make headshots) and Semi starts to fall MUCH farther behind when it SHOULD be the superior choice in 90% of situations

For a real world comparison:


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