Tarkov is a collection of mechanics, not a game.

After taking a break from Tarkov (along with seemingly the whole community) I started to reflect and I've concluded Tarkov in it's currently state isn't really a game.

  1. The game used to be Team Deathwatch on labs. The whole game was about getting the unlocks and roubles to buy labs cards and, basically, win matches of TDM against other end-game players on labs. But then BSG nuked labs loot and killed that game.
  2. Then the game became PVP. Find other end-game thicc bois, kill them, and sell their gear on the flea. But then BSG introduced FIR and killed that game.
  3. Then the game became PVP in hot loot zones like dorms marked room, GPU spawns on interchange, etc. Then BSG introduced dynamic loot & other loot nerfs which eliminated the hot loot zones and killed that game.

At this point I don't think Tarkov is a game. I guess it loosely qualifies as a sandbox.

Which brings me to the final point, I don't think BSG knows what game they're making. I think they're just putting out maps and mechanics without actually making a game.

This isn't a hate post, just an observation of how curious the situation is.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/yjonl2/tarkov_is_a_collection_of_mechanics_not_a_game/

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