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TCG Players perspective

geralt tsirilla gwent the witcher card game gwen

I’ve been playing Yugioh since 2016 and also played some Pokémon and Magic.
Started playing Gwent two months ago. Now that I’ve reached Pro Rank I thought I’d share some thoughts.

I really like that the game has no Mana System. Similar to Yugioh, your resources are your hand. Drawing no Mana in Magic is one of the most frustrating things ever.

I also love how the provision limit affects deck building. In Yugioh for example you play every good card at three (bar a few exceptions). It’s more about ratios and decks are figured out quite fast. You can add some spice but it’s usually just 1 or 2 cards in a 40 card deck.
I feel like you can get more creative in Gwent.

The Round System is a unique idea and I really enjoy it.

Apart from Yugioh Master Duel, Gwent is the most f2p friendly game out there, which is nice.

Now things I don’t like/miss:
I love degenerate, long combos. Only being able to play one card from your hand is not as satisfying to me.

Still not sure about having that many mulligans. It removes some RNG but you‘re decks don’t have to be nearly as consistent and thus can have a way more powerful ceiling.

There’s quite a few deploy abilities that are way too strong. And not being to interact with them is frustrating.

From what my friends told me, Nilfgaard has always been OP and frustrating to play against (similar to Water in Magic).
Don’t like it when developers have a pet fraction. That one might be bullshit tho I don’t know.


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