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Thank you – #tarkovangels

I've been playing for a little over a week with a buddy who's been playing for a couple weeks. After an almost 10 straight customs death to 50+ level players I was starting to consider if this was a clear sign to hang it up.

I've read a lot on the forum here and videos online, but admittedly my skills are not where they were in my younger years and it was showing.

Today during a customs run everything was flipped upside down as a squad ran up on us.

To note this was my 4th of the day and I had practiced pve prior to that, everything ending in deaths and lost gear (except pve, that's just deaths)

They jumped over a wall (tf I knew you could even do that!) and I thought here we go again. As I stupidly aimed down the sights of my starter game pistol they simply talked to us… It was awesome

Taught us about the game in several aspects, their xp of playing from beta, how skills impact you, and even patiently helped us gear up….. That's right, they dropped all their end game bad ass gear for us. We were stunned, but not done yet, as they fight to the death with each other with melee weapons and bad ass random music lol

The last man standing then lead us and carried the gear for us to our extract. Helped us get a SCAV kill (my first ever) and left us with a simple ask that we continue playing to help the game grow.

I was pretty confident in two weeks or so I would hang it up as the death count I hit trying to complete Jaegars unlock alone was embarrassingly high (money for vehicle extracts, lesson learned, attempt #6)

Lastly I think I screwed up and didn't do the only thing asked of us from the OP squad, that was kill the good Samaritan prior to extract. I heard the gun go off, but fear it didn't register as I didn't get any credit.

So hopefully it did and thank you to whoever that was, you and your squad are the best this game has to offer and a huge reason I'll keep coming back to improve. Still on that #tarkovangel

Edit 1 – typos


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