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The current player base issues with explanations.

Given on the sudden increase on people want to put an end to a lot of current player base problems. I am here gonna explain.

And yes, I am aware people keep parroting "EpIc DoNt CaRe". But this is not our topic of this post. So keep it to yourself instead.

Traders and scammers

This is perhaps the most and the oldest issue we have until now. But it's not too late to put an end to it yet. But we also have to target the content creators who currently do these content solely based on them as well.

Who are they you're asking? Simply the usual scum we have in

[Temporary solutions]

Yes you can play in private matches. But not everyone is strong enough, learned enough, or even having enough materials to do so. Especially the new players.

Also the long waiting to be fixed "Network connection lost" error affecting solo players. It causes players to be forced to play in public matches. Which on the other hand they'll encounter them.

Real solutions

There are two solutions we have:

  • Implement a trading system OUTSIDE missions

Basically add a tab in the llama store labelled as: trading. This will at least keep the players away from public matches. The cost? Remove the dropping functionality during the missions. And keep the actual good people who want to give something to their friends together. But this requires the player to be a friend with the person who want to deal with for 3 days first as an attempt to anti-spam.

Yes, i know you would have excess materials you'd like to give to players and feeling generous. But that's still contributing to the current problem we have.

  • Simply remove the dropping functionality and that's it

Before you start throwing tantrums at me. Ventures exist and it does a great job at countering such issues. But the cost is basically no more giving stuff to people to try. But yeah video demonstrations exist along with weapon research vouchers as well. And again, ventures exist. This also can possibly fix duplication issues as well.

Jailbuild in public matches

Despite the many attempts Epic is trying to stop it. Except the problem is not from the build itself. It's from the players who shove it to people's throat without agreement. This is where the problems start.

[Temporary solutions]

Like the previous problem. The network loss error is still on the loose, and also people are not experienced enough to be good on their own in private.

Playing with pre-mades is enough to eliminate the problem. But not everyone is available to someone's time zone or someone is having a job, etc. Thus brings us back to level zero of the solutions.

[Real solutions]

Best to fix the "network connection lost" error than fixing jailbuild instead. It'll help a lot to avoid the players. Otherwise, it's time to initiate a ban wave for "griefing" instead. I don't mind less players at the cost of few shitty players.

Grievers with no punishment

Currently, the report system doesn't do anything and people are being like karens in a "free real estate" level of craziness on the legit players. Like that one recent post about someone sabotaged a mythic storm king and the griefer simply mocked him in his own post. So Epic, you want to fix higher priority issues? This is one of them.

[Temporary solutions]

Yes, private matches are a thing. But yes, also the network loss error is on the loose and not everyone is experienced, neither have the time or the stuff to do so.

[Real solutions]

Permanent ban to them. Unless we have better solutions? Other than that just perma ban them. At least it'll give warnings to anyone who tries to be a tosser on the players.

Player carrying to higher power level missions.

This one is controversial. It has both a good side and a bad side. The good side is someone want a schematic he/she want to try but it's not available in the available PL of that person and someone can simply help. The bad news is people use it just because they're lazy enough to actually grind the game. Epic wasn't aware of the consequences of allowing this to happen back in patch v6.30. Which we have what we call it the "rushed players" issue we have right now in twine peaks currently.

Temporary solutions

No solutions have been found for it yet on my perspective. Perhaps the community can help?

Real solutions

Reverting what Epic did back in patch v6.30 would be a small solution. But it's big enough to make people at least do their "chores" instead of taking the lazy route. Also yes i am aware of people not being fans of completing quests or people don't have the time to play. But was this the case back in pre-v6.30 then?

This at least won't affect players from being carried to higher PL missions however. The real solution here is to add Power level requirements to storm shield defenses if people are not a fan of completing quests.

There is another solution but it will be a bit punishing. Implement a power level requirement in private matches. Like no more PL15 player in a PL140 missions in private matches.

TL;DR: Just a lot of player base issues currently doing a number on the last few legit players. With a bit of solutions and a bit of epic's care.


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