The difference between EU and NA is almost unreal

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

Ive played 2.5k hours on NA East, I've had some of the worst times I've ever had in my gaming career. 0 team work, 0 brain function, toxicity of blaming others before themselves(all though still happens it's wayyy less then NA) is wild.

I play EU for 2 days and have had the most fun and insane comebacks I've ever had, more people speak English and there's WAY less "gg end mid" after dying ONE time. I highly recommend staying away from NA, also I've heard sea is the worse then NA so I can't even imagine what that's like.

NA really is terrible, no one knows hero limits, no one knows how to play aggressive, and no one knows how to capitalize on a lead, no one knows how to look at their own gameplay and realize what they did wrong and how to get better. Never will I play NA again


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