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The idea of in-raid traders..

So I've seen and heard it said that the dream is for traders to be in-raid. And some people seem really excited for that. But what is the view of the majority? Maybe I've missed some post or podcast that explains it differently, but if it's the way I imagine, where you have to ferry your items in and out, I for one think it is a terrible concept.

Imagine your trader being on the pier at Shoreline. You need to go sell your stuff. From my understanding, shoreline can have 8-13 players. Imagine a squad of 5 chads, just rushing the pier and staying there all game. It's a choke point, with only one main way in, and an subjectively worse side path, in my opinion.

Every time you want to offload your loot, you have to battle 6-8 people to get there. Most people will die without selling or buying anything, instead just losing the items.

We all know BSG has also not been able to get hackers under control. So, you fight your way thru legit players to get to your vendor, you buy a bunch of stuff, then you get head-eyes from a PM pistol 200m away.

The ONLY way I can see this working is if it's just the INTERFACE to sell that's in raid, and all content moving in and out of your stash directly. Otherwise, it's probably the point where Tarkov is dead to me.


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