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The market…and starting out

So coming back into the game after awhile I can't help but feel eager to not want to play after every god damn round mostly due to a few things.

firstly the starting 10 levels to unlock the market are terrible to the points its not hardcore its just boring and unfun because you allowed everyone else to have an UNLIMITED supply of items at no real cost MONEY is way to easy to get , If they want to run lvl 6 everything with meta all day they can and starting out you get ammo that takes what 9 shots to even have a chance to pen? that's outrages and causes people to just say meh I missed the first week why bother now, Like everyone I know… We need a re amp on what the traders sell if you're not gonna limit how easy items are to get on the market.

Secondly I'd like to point out I've don't the quest 100's of times I can't do they anymore there so mindless and bad and without them xp is shit from looting , killing etc so we're stuck doing them and that's just bad game play to force people into doing thing that aren't fun because if they don't they can't compete until they hit lvl 10 in any real way at all, The alternative would be allow us to get rep another way with the traders and increase xp out in the world . you know make it more about us fighting and less about ….finding some cans

Now I understand the reason they put the restriction on the market due to RWT but if anything prices have went up and it means they can sell for me $ bringing in more hackers to the game because more profit = more ppl going after that profit ..

Tarkov is slowly but surely becoming a back burner of a game with all these changes that truly don't do anything for the community but hurt it, Sadly I don't see tarkov going down a good path anymore like I use to theres just to many instances of them obviously doing things without thinking it out, They are rookies I know but I and U paid good money for this.

I'll close off saying this , BSG stop over complicating stuff we don't need any of this stuff like 20 different types of ammo, all this armor and cosmetic things that get used maybe for a few weeks then we just go back to the meta ..Keep it simple like you use to do and tarkov could be one of the best shooters to come out but as it is now I can't say that


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