The Right Tank For The Right Playstyle

I've been playing since 2012, and I'm closing in on 40,000 battles. So to me this is all common knowledge by now, but I can't stress how important it is in this game to change your playstyle based on the tank you're rolling out in. What are some factors that determine this?

-What's your mobility like? Fast? Slow? Maybe its YOU who needs to head back to reset cap, or get the early position that can win the game.

-What's your armor layout like? Sidescraper? Hulldown? Moving fortress? Little light tank bastard with no armor?

-Are you a higher tier or lower tier? Maybe you can bully your way in, or maybe you need to play in the foreground and look for opportunities.

-What's your cannon like? Accurate? Derp? (no really, tell me all about your cannon, i want to know)

-Hows your camo? Sneaky? Or are you as big as a house?

I see a lot of players, some with more games than i have, showing a clear ignorance to what their vehicles strengths and weaknesses are. Tornvagn's that don't go hulldown. IS-2's that try sniping from across the map, Leopard 1's that try to sidescrape, EBR's that don't go back to reset the cap, Maus that try to hide in a bush in the middle of a field, etc.

I don't blame the CC's for it: they all do a fantastic job of providing tutorials and guides for every tank and playstyle. Kajzoo, Claus Kellerman, Skil4ltu, Quickybaby, etc, all have helpful knowledge to impart. Again, I don't know who to blame. Maybe WG could put a little 30 second video for each tank when you inspect it in the garage. Would that even do anything??


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