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The nerf for Skirmisher is a really bad decision in my opinion.

witcher triss merigold gwint

According to CDPR, the discard package is auto-included so this nerf is needed, but I disagree. First of all, unlike Mage Assassin, you have to draw the Skirmisher's as well as your discards, so it's incredibly brickable. The reason discard package is auto-included is because Skellige relies super heavily on it to thin out their decks, win round one and draw their wincons. CDPR just nerfed Skirmisher with the hope to reduce the discard package popularity without taking into consideration what other alternatives Skellige has. At most one can play Royal Degree and Oneiromancy (higly unlikely since Skellige's core cards are hella expensive), but even then that's only three thinning plus the fact you have to draw those cards too. Nilfgaard still has Jan Calveit so the Mage Assassin nerf is nowhere near as bad as Skirmisher's. At this point I'm convinced CDPR really wants to kill off the discard package as a whole.


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