The number of people who pre-fire perfectly when entering rooms is crazy, anyone else notice this?

I don't know if it's desynch or just tons of people are using ESP cheats now, but I came back a couple of weeks ago after a few wipes off and holy crap.

Holding angles on doors is just suicide now, even worse than the old "Peeker's Advantage." It makes absolutely no sense.

Example: I go in the big central warehouse on Customs, the one in the concrete yard with the two main entrances and the black military crates. About a minute later I hear a PMC outside butcher all the scavs, so I line my shotgun on the door, crouch and right peek from cover. It's dark, there's a big construction light aimed at the door which is highly blinding, and there are like 7 spots I could hold the angle from. I've tried assaulting someone holed up here before and got slaughtered without being able to see them.

This guy just steps in and instantly pre-fire autos me in the head in the time it takes me to left click once.

How does he know *exactly* where I am in the building? There was no noise. There are like 6 other spots he could have shot at. He has the light blinding him. In fact he had no reason to even know I was there.

It's been like this every raid I've played today. I hear someone just running for me, I hold an angle, they walk in and blow my head off instantly from right across the room. It's nuts.

I don't experience it on any other game. This never happens on CS, TF2, COD…only Tarkov. I don't know if it's just netcode or something more nefarious.


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