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The only horror this halloween is the player experience

The title says it all, this event is a disgrace.

The game randomly going pitch black in the middle of the day is stupid, cultists randomly spawning in the darkness making no noise and fucking you in the ass in milliseconds, hunger going down faster than it did before when it already went down stupidly fast on top of the positive effects given at the beginning of raids lasting 10mins compared to the negative effect last the entire raid.

AI doesn't care if its dark it'll just fuck you whether you are behind bushes, trees, windows or whatever else, they don't care they can see and they will fuck. As far as the pumpkins go that you can find, they are pointless the food gives you special effects instead of water and energy in an event where those stats go down faster than ever.

I love tarkov and have 1700hrs in it but BSG clearly put no thought into this event and clearly don't test things before implementing them on live servers.


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