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The only ship you’ll ever need, and you will hate it

Today, as a little thought experiment, I tried to build a ship that could do EVERYTHING the game had to offer without the need to go back to a station for outfiting.

Obviously, a ship capable of everything will be terrible at everything, but I wanted to see if it could be done. So I tried to think of every gameplay style, every game mechanic, every mission type and incorporate them into one ship. Just keep in mind that the idea behind this ship is to be able to do everything, doesn't matter if it sucks at it.

One ship to rule them all

Most of the choices a self-explanatory, so I'll skip the explanations for some modules. The core internals are pretty standards, so let's talk optionals.

  • The SLF should either be the Lance or the Trident, as they are "effective" against both Thargoids and humans (or so I've heard). The SLF will also be used for canyon racing and stunt flying.

  • 16t of the 80t of cargo racks are corrosion resistant if you want to pick up Thargoid stuff.

  • I picked a smaller fuel scoop as a compromise. "If the only drawback of a module can be overcome by patience, then said module can be downsized as much as necessary".

Of course, most of the internals can be swapped between each other, as long as they stay in the build.

Onto the hardpoints now. The mining equipment is obvious as well, there's a hardpoint for every type of mining.

  • The plasma accelerator will let you fight at close range and deals absolute damage.

  • The MC will deal kinetic damage and apply corrosive.

  • The pulse will deal thermal damage, G5 focused will allow you to try some module sniping while setting off random malfunctions from afar with scramble spectrum.

  • The advanced missile rack will deal explosive damage, is engineered with FSD interrupt for pirates/assassins and, through synthesis, can be used against Thargoids. You'll be stomping on Hydras in no time.

  • The icing on the cake is the glorious mining lance. In combat, aim it directly into your opponent's canopy to cause him mild migraine and maybe leave some nasty scratches on the glass.

Utilities speak for themselves. Regarding power, modules should turned on and off according to the task at hand.

So there you have it. Think about an activity in the game, a playstyle, a mission type, anything,… And this ship can do it, it has at least one module for it. It will probably suck at it, but (under)perform nonetheless.

What do you guys think ? Did I forget anything ? And can you picture the fire groups on that thing ?


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