The Overwatch/Behaviour System needs to be improved.

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

DOTA in no way gives players justice for having to deal with toxicity and griefers intentionally throwing matches. The reason for why we don't stop running into these situations is mainly due to the "slap on the wrist" punishment system. Being 10k behavior and constantly running into toxic and griefing players (on both teams) doesn't sound like stable system, so here are some ideas:

  • Consistent feedback on our grief/smurf reports (how many reports were valid/invalid)
  • More visibility on reporting somebody who doesn't pick/play their role
  • Shard reward to watcher for correct verdict
  • Role Queue refund to other teammates when a griefer is convicted
  • Half MMR refund when losing vs. a scripter/cheater (Rainbow 6 Siege does something like this)

There are so many possibilities to improve this system, maybe it's none of what I suggested, maybe some, but it for sure does need some work. What are your ideas ?


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