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The Patience for Engineering

Long time lurker first(?) time poster.

I've played this game since the days of the void opal rush, got a billion+ credits and a fleet of my favourite ships…

But I have no idea how you guys manage to 'fully engineer' your ships. Is there some trick to it when farming the recommended zones, or some key mechanic/technique I'm missing?

Farming engineering mats is so boring and mindless, no matter what method you use for it, and it takes FOREVER. It really feels like I've spent more time farming engineering mats than actually playing the game.

Ground mats are absolutely the worst offender for this I feel, because you can still do most space stuff without engineering, but ground enemies will tear you to shreds I'm a heartbeat (I've even had ground enemies outgun my ships in the past) without engineered guns and suits… But I just can't bring myself to go through yet another, even worse engineering grind.

I love this game, but I've hit the engineering wall.

How do you guys have the patience to keep going?


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