The Ragnarok Cycle, a new dedicated server for beginners and seasoned vikings alike.

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

The Ragnarok Cycle is set up to encourage community, while allowing you to play Valheim how you want. Whether you like to explore, fight, build, or relax, there is a place for you.

We do this by scheduling Ages, and using settlements and events as a way of encouraging community.

  1. Stone age: Before Eikthyr is killed.- 1 week- Basic shelters / Longhouses
  2. Bronze age: After Eikthyr is killed- 1 week- up to 3 Villages- Each village has an elder. Elder is elected when village is founded.
  3. Iron Age: After The Elder is killed- 2 weeks- up to 3 towns (can grow out of villages or be in new place)- Each town has an elected Jarl. Election happens when the town is founded. If a different person is elected, the original leader may concede, or challenge by combat. Winner of combat is new leader.
  4. Silver Age: After bone mass is killed- 2 weeks- Continue building towns- Add Mountain outposts (towers, taverns, strongholds)
  5. Renaissance: After Moder is killed- 4 weeks- up to 3 cities (can grow from towns or be in new place)- Each city has an elected king. Election happens when city is founded. If a different person is elected, the original leader may concede, or challenge by combat. Winner of combat is new leader.
  6. Final Age: After Yagluth is killed- 2 weeks, or longer if majority wants.- Yagluth things have corrupted you. 3 cities fight each other for yagluth things on weekends.
  7. Ragnarok: the world is ended and the cycle repeats.

We are currently starting in the stone age, so if you missed the opportunity to start the game with a group, this is your chance!

To join, go to our discord linked below, read the rules, and fill out the application.

Can't wait to see you in Valheim!


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