The report system is working but…

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

For the past few weeks I’ve been receiving one of these notifications almost every other day, sometimes daily. I play roughly 2-3 matches a day. So once every 3-5 games means 20-30% of my games contain a proven griefer. On one hand I’m glad the system is working but on the other hand the amount of griefers is just insane.

Anyone else experience a similar “We’ve recently taken action…” notification rate? Or in game griefing rate? I hear people complain about Smurfs and Boosters and Scripts but I easily lose 10x as many games to intentional griefers on my own team compared to all those other things on the enemy team combined. Often times the game isn’t an automatic lose tho because there are griefers on both teams.

Is this just late patch shenanigans where people stopped caring? Anyone else see an increase grief rate recently? I’m still slowly climbing MMR so it’s not like I’m salty after a big losing streak, more just confused at the high rate of griefing. Most commonly people just afk attacking creeps in jungle and never joining another fight all game.


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