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The scav timer is stupid

Didnt expect to make a second post but im kinda getting into it now, and i literally dont see any reason for it.

You can still print money risk free… just have to wait x minutes.

Better players wouldnt use them because they wouldnt need them. And so what if they want to be a scav, let them.

It wouldnt fuck up the economy being only bad gear would depreciate due to its abundance. Who cares its bad gear.

Pmcs would still have incentive because most loot "good" loot is locked behind being a pmc anyway.

Pvp would not change, theres already extra scavs walking about, them being players instead of ai just makes the game harder (for all you, "the games just hard" people)

I literally just do not see one good reason to have a timer gatekeep people from running shitty setups with little to no heals. You are only forcing people to wait to play the game….


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