I Desperately want a Reason to Buy and Engineer a Mamba…

… s-so… can any of you give me one? xD

Got a bubble taxi DBX, an exploration AspX, a combat FdL, a salvaging Phantom, a mining Cutter, a trading Python, and a passenger Anaconda…

… all of them engineered to hell and back, completely minmaxed out. But… seriously… I want to have a reason to add a Mamba!

So if there is anything you folks think I could legit want to have and actively use one for… do tell, because good god, I want one, but I don't want to buy it just for it to rot in my hangar! x(

TL;DR: I don't really PvP, and from what people tend to say, the FdL completely outclasses the Mamba in PvE. So what would I actually use a Mamba for that my FdL wouldn't just do objectively better? Any ideas?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/uzd665/i_desperately_want_a_reason_to_buy_and_engineer_a/

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