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The story of a boy and a fixed 50% winrate. / Part 2

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

Months have passed since John has met Yatoro. He still misses the bald guy with the white mask on his face. The way he carried games, the way he avoided ganks, the way he farmed and joined fights at the same time, he can never forget that.

He tried to replicate what Yatoro did many times. But he always had bad teammates. Not like Yatoro. Yatoro always has good teammates, even when he played John's account. Everything was easier for Yatoro. His team stacked for him, pulled for him, warded for him, gave him the best neutral items and they never flamed Yatoro. When John plays, the team is bad, teammates flame and they feed. When Yatoro won 39 out of 40 games on John's account, it was lucky team and enemy had feeders.

Enemy offlaners are so bad when they play vs Yatoro. When John plays safelane, enemy is always a godlike smurf.

These thought gave John peace. He knew that his winrate is not affected by his own skill level. Games are decided by his teammates, enemy smurfs, bad and good drafts. Whatever he does in his game don't matter. The system will force 50% winrate on him. He could sleep well with these thoughts.

Everything was fine for John, he still played Dotes, flamed his teammates when he was feeling bad about himself. After bad games he would masturbate, but this was a problem now because he couldn't pause the games at start so things got messy from time to time. When he won games, he typed gg ez but he hated himself coz he knew that get got carried. All in all, it was a typical Dota period.

Until one thing happened.

Aliens hijacked (stole) his family. Aliens told him he has to raise his MMR by 2000 points in 3 months, or the whole family would be massacred. The condition was that he has to play on his own account without help during ranked games.

At first, John was shocked. Aliens? Dota MMR? What the actual fuck? – He thought.

It is impossible to raise MMR anyway. There is a forced winrate of 50%. It's impossible to climb MMR anyway. Valve and Gaben made sure of this.

He tried playing his best, but he kept losing because of bad teammates (he thought). He blamed the team, the boosters, the smurfs, everything but himself.

This would have been okay in normal conditions, but the Aliens didn't care about these things. They will masacre his family if he doesn't increase his MMR by 2000 points in 3 months. The conditions were clear.

When he lost 120 MMR that day, he started crying. He wasn't angry. He was scared and helpless.

He kept crying and begging for the help of god. He was lost. The night was silent as death, cold as the heart of my ex, dark as the darkest night.

For a moment he stopped breathing. Someone opened the front door and said: Привіт брате! (Hello brother!)

It was the bald guy with the white mask. It was Yatoro. Yes the TI winner. Fucking Yatoro.

Don't ask me how, but he has heard the story, and he was here to help.

He promised John that he will help him to get his family back. John will be coached by Yatoro. He will gain 2120 MMR. (120 that he lost + 2000 Alien MMR).

Now everything was in the hands of our hero,

They started with watching some if his games. Yatoro was writing stuff in this notebook. He wasn't commenting anything yet. They have watched around 10 replays.

Yatoro wrote down around 100 mistakes that he noticed here. He didn't want to go deeper into details, because John would get lost. So he started correcting these 100 mistakes first.

John was shocked. He made mistakes? Wasn't it his team that made him lose? He actually made mistakes? He was baffled.

In the first few days, they played only normal games with Yatoro playing pos5 while John was plasying pos1. John kept learning. This was very hard for him, because Yatoro was teaching him to ignore teammates and focus on himself.

They learned micro positioning in lanes, mana management, courier usage efficiency, optimal starting items and buildups, item choice depending on teammates and opponents, timings, micro and macro decisions, bkb usage, when is it bad to go for bkb, when it it necessary, manta dodging, lane aggro control, map control, playing around vision, playing from behind, playing from the advantage.

It was a long process of 30 days. There were 138 mistakes, 73 suggestions and 130 general tips written down in the notebook. John was amazed. Games became a lot easier. He could anticipate what will happen, he knew how to react in-game and outside of the game. He knew win conditions, he started to play around timings. He knew what opponents want to do so he easily avoided being killed without having impact.

It was time for Yatoro to leave. It was a sad goodbye. John cried and hugged Yatoro. Yatoro hugged him back, took down his mask and kissed John on the forehead. до побачення брат (goodbye brother), he said. I gave you everything. Now it's time for you to protect and play for your family.

At this point, Yatoro was a brother to John. He felt that Yatoro leaving is like a piece of his soul ripped from his chest. But John knew that it's his turn now. Piece of shit Aliens, John was ready for the fight.

He went to sleep partially sad, but full of hope.

He woke up with a deadly determination. He shaved his head. He put on a white mask. He was not euphoric. He was dangerously silent. You could cut the air around him with a knife. He looked the Play button on Steam straight trough the eye. He clicked the Find Match button and just waited there. He didn't alt tab. Didn't masturbate. He was just breathing slowly, clearing his thoughts. Yatoro's notebook was next to him. He touched it with his left hand. He didn't need to read it. He knew every last word. He felt that Yatoro is watching over him.

Confirming Match… Game found… Accept.

His Hard support picked Pudge and said "i have 7 lose streak idc MMR."

John just smiled. He picked Drow Ranger and said "dw i got this".

He finished the game with 12/3 and a victory.

Out of the next 500 games, he has won 287 games and lost 213.

The moment he gained the last needed MMR, the sky opened and the Aliens brought back his family.

Someone added him on steam and wrote a message:

"I'm proud of you John."

Then the mysterious stranger went offline.

From that day, John never played without the white mask.

The 50% forced winrate curse was broken. It wasn't real anymore.


part1 :


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