Are Tarkov crosshairs off or am I having a connection issue?

I don't understand why I don't hit my shots. I have been playing FPS games since I could remember. I hit LEM in CSGO. I hit Diamond 3 in Valorant. For some reason, EVEN WHEN MY CROSSHAIR IS ON THE HEAD, Tarkov just refuses to give me the kill. There's blood splatter and everything behind their head. Am I running into a connection issue/D-sync issue? This has been happening all wipe and it's now getting really frustrating. I have a 38% survival rate. I actively try to scout out PMC's because I like PVP, but when I win only 1 out of like 8 encounters knowing I should be hitting shots, it just makes me never want to play this game. Luck shouldn't be the factor when I get a kill. I understand Tarkov is a different game, but aim should translate pretty well across games as I do try to get the mouse sensitivity pretty close to the same across all the games I play.

If you're just planning to say things like "tarkov is a different game" " youre just bad" "this isnt the same as CSGO/Valorant" don't bother commenting. Or if you do, give reason instead of just blowing this off.

An actual discussion with the lack of trolls would be nice.


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