The wiki wants you! – An update from the official wiki team



The last few months have not been the easiest for your favorite wiki.


We had to deal with the huge workload of over 1000 changed item names in addition to the other new content from the end of June patch, as well as handling the move to a new updated wiki platform provided by our host, which also brought some challenges.


The item name changes got completed a couple weeks ago, and due to the awesome support of you, the community, we were able to quickly fix many of the issues that came with the new layout. We’re still pushing for changes to things like the new search, which as we understand it is the number one priority for the FANDOM devs right now.


We anticipate the next patch to come with a lot of new content and many changes. In order to provide quick and reliable updates, we need you!


Real life took away a good bit of our current teams' time. Therefore, the time we can allocate to the wiki is limited, and despite our best efforts, we need some new helping hands to keep up the quality of the wiki as you know it.


On top of that, editing the wiki is something we have to do instead of actively playing new content. Despite the wiki team being composed of mostly veteran players, this means they might not reach high levels anytime soon which means maybe not obtaining every new item, or playing new quests.


While it would be awesome to have some new faces as “fully fledged editors”, you can also help without needing to commit much time. It would already be a huge help if you provide us with bits of new information that you find, or add them directly to the wiki.


All contributions are appreciated. No coding or writing experience is required. You simply need to click the “edit” button, and add your information to the fitting wiki page, or hop onto our Discord and let us know what needs changing.


Also, remember that the wiki is a community driven project: Everyone can modify it freely. We're always on the lookout for inaccuracies, so don't hesitate to write something down.


If you’d like to help out on the wiki, we’ll gladly help you out learning the ropes.


We recently changed the layout of our Discord server to be more open to people that want to help, including a to-do section where you can find tasks that currently need to be done.


If you want to see where help is needed, submit errors or suggestions, or just want to talk to us, meet us on our discord server.


Don't hesitate to ask questions, and happy escaping.


— The Wiki team


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