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There are legitimate criticisms to have for every single change that’s made the game better.

There's a pretty big debate going on between the community over the last year about whether Tarkov was "better" back in the day, or currently.

People are complaining about everything from Inertia, to recoil, to dynamic loot, to flea market avalibility.

Personally, I think every single one of the changes I just mentioned made the game better. I also have serious criticisms of every single one of those things.

Even after almost 600 hours of playing with inertia, it still feels clunky. I absolutely love how it's slowed down fights and made them less run and gun, but I despise how floaty it makes your character feel. There are changes that can be made to inertia without destroying the positive changes it brought to the game. Making deceleration more immediate would get rid of that "ice skates" feeling you get when letting go of W, but prevent the instantaneous stutter step acceleration A-D spam we had in the past.

I love the changes to recoil when it comes to the way META guns perform. I absolutely despise the fact that 90% of the guns in the game are unusable in stock form. There's way WAY too large of a gap between stock and meta weapons, but it's still better than the 'full auto M61 out of an SA-58 out to 100 yards" we had back in the day. Cutting the effectiveness of all mods in half, and rebalancing all guns around that change would be beneficial.

Dynamic loot has forced even the best players to have to explore more of the map every single raid in order to find fights and get loot. I think that's a positive change. What I cannot stand, is the fact that marked rooms and ultra med now have a 0% chance to spawn big ticket items that used to cause players to freak out with excitement. Especially with how rare dorms marked is now and the fact that you can't sell cases on the market anymore, there's 0 reason we shouldn't be able to find cases in marked rooms anymore. The really low volume of loot in filing cabinets also really bothers me.

I love the fact that you can't buy M61 / 7.62 BP / Mutants / Slicks on the flea anymore. What really REALLY bugs me is that the scarcity they're trying to impliment there is entirely negated by trader avalibility. So long as high tier ammo, armor, and mods are available from traders, BSG has done nothing but increase the difficulty for lower level players, as they no longer have access to the tools they used to have to fight juicers.

The game is in a better state now than ever due to the changes that have been made. Yet, some of the other changes that have been made have caused the game to become more tedious and annoying to play. "Is the game better" is not a black or white question when it gets to the specifics. There's still a fuck ton of things that need improving and changing.


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