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There seriously needs to be a non-lethal option to take out NPCs in Odyssey

Stealth in Odyssey is fun, and I like the high risk-high reward nature of it, however, some stealth missions are just extremely difficult to complete without becoming a homicidal maniac and killing innocent NPCs for something trivial as sabotage or downloading data.

At the current moment, there is no way how to get an NPC out of the way in order to complete some objectives without killing them In some cases, even previously blissfully unaware NPCs will go investigate a machine around the corner shutting down and getting forever kill-on-sight aggroed in the process.

Either make the energy link overcharge actually stun and not kill (it even has the stun icon), or make players able to lure the NPCs away from objectives. A stealth game is no fun if the only real way of making progress is going out of stealth and potentially killing everyone in the settlement so you can download someone's DMs from a terminal.


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