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They definitely buffed Ledx spawn rates, at least on Shoreline.

I found my ledx earlier this wipe in a air drop on my scav on interchange, but anways, this morning before work I ran shoreline for about 2 1/2 hours, looking for Sanitar for my Jaegar quest. Not only did I find one ledx, I found 2 in the same raid. Shit you not.

You know the medical van you have to mark at the middle of resort ont he outside infront of the helicopter? If you open the back doors, there is a medical bag. If you look at the ground right outside the back doors you'll see newspapers. A fucking ledx spawns underneath them, where you can't visibly see it because the textures of the newspapers cover it. So I go into east wing freaking out, started looting, and BOOM! A fucking medical bag in there had the second ledx. I literally clipped in with my nvidia shadow play, and my friends and I in discord were freaking out. I extracted.

I load back into shoreline, on the north west side of the map. Kill the two scav snipers on the rock, I go to loot the wooden stash by the bush between the rock and the top of the map, and another ledx is in a wooden fucking stash. I survived that raid too.


Haven't found a ledx outside of an air drop all wipe, level 43, and found 2 in the same raid today and one more on the next raid. They buffed ledx spawns.


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