this game just loves to troll me

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

so Im there chilling in my base near the swamp, surrounded by barricades, with a perimeter around it that should technically spawnproof the area since I put down workbenches everywhere. and the only theoretical way in being the port of my ship covered by deep water (big mistake)

I've been building inside my base, had some iron gathered and wanted to build the needed forge etc. to craft my first couple of iron equipment pieces and right as I was about to finally get it done I get a suprise visit by a group of two 2-star + one 1 star draugr suddenly being in the middle of my base, killing me right beside my bed I just set a spawnpoint for.. so I die and upon respawn instantly die again as the draugr stand right beside me and kill me before the screen even fades back from black, this happened like 5 times until I miraciously manged to get away and run back through the portal (without my stuff ) and to make things even better, the draugr seemingly destroyed the portal right as I passed through it so now I cant get back and have to make a whole voyage to get to the island again.

So today I learned the hard way that draugr don't give a f*ck about deep water at all, so having an open ship port is a big nono.

anyway wanted to share this ridiculous situation. Don't know If I love or hate this game sometimes.


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