This is what the recoil system in EFT does for me

Before I put my opinion on Reddit I feel like I need to say that I've been playing Tarkov for about 2 years now and have well over 1k hours in the game. I absolutely love this game and couldn't imagine the gaming space without it. With that being said, some of you, maybe most of you, might not like my opinion and that's okay. I hope we can conduct some smart, passionate discussions about it.

Immersion is one of the biggest factors in EFT, everything about the game simulates immersion. Med animations, food/drink animations, beautiful gun animations, character voice lines, the list goes on. I understand what they're doing with the current recoil system and its not necessarily bad.. but what it does do for me is break my immersion. Because there is no way for the player (us) to really control recoil, it creates a disconnect and removes me from the immersion at the worst time. The player controls everything that the PMC does up until he shoots the gun. Sure you're aiming, but again, something about being out of control during a gun fight feels *bad* to me. Though, after many hours of getting better with full auto sprays, I have grown to appreciate the learning curve there.. but my stance on the recoil *system* stays.

Again, I'm not saying that the current system is bad, I just think it's not *right*. I just want to control my gun even if it means I have to pull down.. and who knows, maybe that makes bursting more viable? Thanks for listening to my opinion, what's yours?


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