This update is really fucking good, even if it’s not the battle pass

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I think some people are overlooking a lot of cool things this update has introduced to the game, just because it didn't also include the battle pass.

Yes, there are bugs, a lot of them. But we have Valve devs communicating and fixing stuff like we've never seen before.

I finished reviewing all tickets on the GitHub bug tracker yesterday, about 24 hours ago. There were 741 issues in total at the time. Right now there are 962. Imagine how many more will there be in the coming days! Please understand this is a fuck ton of work to do.

Adding a feature to swap Immortal spell effects is a bold fucking move on their part. Because there are so many damn cosmetics, and it all had to be done manually. There are bound to be bugs in the future too.

And I don't think it's fair to expect a massive 7.32 patch when the DPC Tour 3 has already started. Between the end of the final Major and TI11, there should be plenty of time to release it and for pro teams to analyze it.

I would like to request anyone and everyone who has the time to please go and vote on issues on the GitHub. It's really important to highlight the important stuff, and takes more than a handful of people to work.

Cheers! ✌


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