Why are you not in a clan?

The question goes out to players who play this game regularly but are not in a clan. If you play in a clan maybe you can give advice as to the benefits of playing one. My personal experience (based on play in NA sever as always if you play on other servers this may or may not apply) is…

1: I have learned more about the game in general from clan mates. Clan mates are usually very open about sharing information that will help another player learn in a decently non toxic way.

2: Playing random battles with 1 or 2 other clan mates where we are communicating and working together makes game play in general more enjoyable. Most of the games 3 players working together can decide the outcome of a battle against a team that has no tanks working together.

3: Having the extra bonuses from advantages such as clan boosters make tank and credit grinding easier.

4: Playing in a clan battle occasionally even low tiers ones such as T6 skrims teach a player more about basic game play faster than they can learn on their own in just solo play in random battles.

5: There is usually a clan a player can join no matter what there objective is in the game. Some clans only concentrate on clan battles. Others on running credit boosters. Others on just playing randoms together. Others on genuinely helping players get better. Either way there probably is a clan one can join to help them learn and enjoy the game.

So I am just curious why more then 80% of the players I see on teams have no clan tag. Or maybe it’s just the games I get and there are more than in clans than I think.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/18c315p/why_are_you_not_in_a_clan/

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