Note. This summary was brought up by the team of TGGwent. If you're a part of russian-speaking community of Gwent, then you'd like seethe translated summaryor more articles inour teletype.
Also,you can check our bots(both english and russian are supported)which are pretty useful tbh and are available in Telegram.
News and announcements
The Gwent Open #1 is happening this weekend at 4 pm CEST.
A 50-minute developer-stream video is coming this Sunday (Leeeeeks)
The Twitch Drops are back! Viewing the official broadcast of Gwent Open for 6 and 8 hours will bring you two Ultimate Kegs
No bonus leak today, but we'll see some on Sunday!
Community Q&A
Q Will the next Journey character will have something to do with the expansion? (Okay, let's act like we don't know it's Triss)
A I would say no, but we will have a expansion-themed journey connection happening this year. I really like that we move things around and have these things combined. Like we had Alzur, then Madoc and overall witchers theme kind of coming together, so we want to do more of that, but it's not the next journey.
Q Can we expect some updates to Siege cards for NR? This archetype should be buffed.
A Like I said, balance questions are not my thing, but we're planning some stuff for NR, we'll actually talk about it a little bit on Sunday.
Q What is your favourite card entry voiceline? I mean besides "Juiciest leeks in town, get 'em here!"
A Oh, favourite battlecry, there are some many. I like "water is a poison" (Mahakam Guard)
Q Will the bridge over Yaruga board ever return?
A Probably will, I know it's a fan favourite, so it might come back.
Q Any information on when the Twitch drops will be ready active?
A This system will be tested right now during the Open this weekend.
Q We're getting a new card drop in June. Will these cards be available in Ultimate and Faction kegs? If the new kegs are planned will they be available with the first part of the cards in June? Or with the two remaining parts in August-October?
A Actually, we're working now on an explainer-video which will showcase how you can obtain the new cards in terms of the new way we do the expansions.
Q Are we getting more languages? Specifically Arabic?
A Not right now.
Q Will we get the Jorney about specific faction?
A No, I would not say that. We try to do them around not factions, but people – iconic characters or themes in the game.
Q What items are at the top of your priority list?
A No, I can not disclose that information, that would be cheating, but the most important things we're working on are, of course, monthly uptades, balance patches, a couple of things connected to switching up one of the factions a little bit, we're working on the next journeys, we're working on the expansions and something that we teased on our roadmap. Products, events, holiday-related events, birthday-related events – there is a lot of stuff
My server is a VPS hosted server with 4GB RAM and is headless. I have made it so it checks for updates to the game at 1am UK time and has a monitor ...