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Thoughts On Additional Hairstyles + Skin Color + Helmet Painting?

Really any character customization would be nice. I don’t care at all about how “fun” this would be, I just want help ID’ing friend and foe.

Right now, all entities in Tarkov have the exact same height, skin color, hair (except Birdeye, he’s got hair), and gait. None of this is a uniquely-Tarkov issue, but this game does demand much from squads to keep them from shooting one another. That is a smart balancing decision to keep squads from hopelessly outmatching solos, but good lord, have you ever seen two Timmy squads duke it out in a building? It’s real ugly. They can’t tell who is who, and the whole thing gets weird. Maybe a slight adjustment wouldn’t be so bad.

I don’t want a minimap, or teammate markers, or crazy stupid PUBG customization options, but give me an optional beard, or let me paint my helmet with a stripe or something. Anything to increase the glance value of my character & my friends’ characters without breaking immersion.

Armbands on one side of the body & level-locked clothing options are a start, but it makes sense to me that our PMC’s would do more in terms of uniform alterations to prevent friendly fire.

There are many things that take developmental priority over this, I know. It’s not a game breaking issue, just a suggestion for a future content update. ‘Cause come on – our characters should be more resourceful than this.

What do y’all think?


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