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Thoughts on Bosses from the perspective of a Bow-only Player

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

early on i decided (very intelligently) that i would go the whole playthrough with 1-2 friends only relying on the bow, little did i know (although it did not change how clever and well thought out my idea was) that the game was not particularly friendly to this playstyle

| Eikthyr |

By far my favorite boss in the game, as it's not only fun as melee but also fun with the bow, it's a game of distancing and stamina managment, made more difficult because of just how fast Eikthyr is aswell as the fact simply running away from it in a straight line will cause you to get struck by it's lightning attack, and the fight isn't interrupted by enemies much if at all due to boars and greylings not posing a threat even at this stage in the game, although i wish the fight had atleast a second phase to spice things up, instead of it being the same the whole way through

| The Elder |

It's thorn attack is simply too inconsistent, i often feel like i'm getting hit by the sheer thought of getting hit by them instead of actually coming into contact with them, although i did really enjoy the roots limiting your maneuverability, he's also much more stationary compared to eikthyr so that made aiming easier, which is really needed because of the bullshit you'll be dealing with, said bullshit being

non-boss enemies, unlike the Eikthyr fight, this one will be constantly interrupted by greydwarfs, greydwarf brutes, shamans galore, and god forbid, a troll, and if you're unlucky enough (like we were) it'll be near a burial grounds causing skeleton archers to spawn too, safe to say, the elder fight was almost enough to break my will to play, but we eventually managed to scrape by

| Bon- (my psychiatrist has adviced that i do not proceed with this next section)

and i haven't fought the Dommy Mommy Moder yet, so i'll see you guys next month or something, and of course this is a discussion post, so i'd like to hear about your perspectives on some of these things


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