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Thoughts on new Brewess/Deathwish so far? (Decklist inside)

Ciri Gwent witcher Game card

So I tried the new Brewess in a triple Detlaff list and it feels pretty good. Has anyone else tried it and what are your thoughts?

(this is my deck, I go by Fortune918 in game).

Quick Guide

Double Brewess – Well, technically you can play Brewess deathwish ability 3 times but you don't want to do that as you will likely overthin and go down a card(s) in R3.

You want to find Brewess in R1 and use her and either Urn or Abaya to trigger her deathwish ability twice for massive tempo and thinning. If you have her in hand, mulligan away your bronze DW units except for one archespore if you draw it, which you should try to play before Brewess if you can, to avoid pulling it's pair from your deck early. The thinning feels great if you pull this off, MO never felt so good in terms of consistency! You'll be left with all your golds for later rounds.

Round 2 or 3 your wincon is AQ+Detlaff and if you still have Abaya, triple Detlaff. Use Haunt as needed for extra consumes and tempo. Miruna is a backup target for AQ if Detlaff gets banished or seized.

Cons: Limited (unconditional) control as per the usual for MO, but we have heatwave, Toad Prince, Miruna, rotfiends and Cyclops for some removal.

Also, while this is a pointslam deck with no engines, we are vulnerable to locks on our AQ or Brewess if we don't draw our Pellar. We are also vulnerable to tall punish which is par for the course with OH/DW decks.

Other considerations: I tried the bronze toad but found 3 tempo feels terrible just to get a carryover consume which you don't even know if you will need next round. That's when I added Cyclops. But you could try it.

Hybrid might be worthwhile over one of the Endrega warriors. I have 2 simply because triple Detlaff takes a lot of consumes to get full value. Also tech choices like spores, red haze and squirrel are always at your discretion as 4ps can be swapped out if you find you actually have too many bronze DW units.


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