So I've been playing with symbiosis for a little bit tying to find the best combo to run in the current meta. Used devo a lot of 9.6 and didn't really have a bad time with it. But with the recent buff to siege I often find myself getting controlled and unable to get any kind of board state.
I tried using the new oak/etriel/mirluga but while buffs are nice they require setup to do anything. So i thought about trying non-devo to add so more on the spot control options. Big changes are oak/etr/mir for heatwave and 2 thunder. The only big loss I see is eithne not having symbiosis is round 3 which I don't think is a horrible loss to nail a few more engines to the wall. Was mainly looking for insight into the deck and of I was maybe missing something else devo offered that I hadn't considered.