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Thoughts on the buffed archetype: Frost, Elf and Firesworn

witcher gwent cards

Some thoughts about all 3 newly-buffed archetypes and their possible place in the meta

Elf Swarm received several +1/+2 buff to many of its cards: Dol Blathana Archers, Isengrim, Vernossiel,…. which adds up to a really impressive advanatge. Waylay got a change to the spawning condition which allows it to often gets +3. Unfortunately however, excluding the buffed cards, the rest of the archetype is still too weak: Feign Death, Swordsman, Commando,… are all powercrept, limiting the deck's potential. There's also the Vanadain meme version which is also cool.

Wild Hunt got some decent buff too. Warrior is a solid option usually playing 8-for-4. Winter Queen now allows you to instantly profit from Frost. Auberon is now actually strong. Red Riders got a buff(or nerf?). These buffs are impactful, but doesn't fix WH's main problems, such as the unreasonable Dominance condition, or its lack of proactive plays.

Firesworn receives some big changes in this update. Von Herst and Disciple are now very strong engines. Inquisitor is amazing 8-for-4 pointslam with spawning synergy. The new Damnation allows an extra copy of anything while synergising with engines. Firesworn now can actually compete in multiple long rounds efficiently while having decent pointslam. Unfortunately, their absolute lack of control often results in loss against better greed decks

Conclusion: unfortunately, i expect none of these new archetypes to become meta. Each of them have received some big buffs, but none of them can compete with the big bois in the meta right now, which are insanely greedy and generate a ton of points. If you want to test it yourself, play Alumni or Assimilate. But that's not to say these decks will be lost in oblivion though. Similarly to how SK saw a lot of plays last patch despite not being tier 1, these decent archetypes can be excellent choices if you need a fourth faction for MMR.


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