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Tips for better coms?

Dota2 Mods

I've been playing a lot of mid recently and winning 9/10 of the games I play which is great everything going well there.

This issue I'm seeing repeatedly in a few of my games though is when the enemy midlaner realised they can't stay in lane with me anymore they'll grab a rune and go gank a sidelane.

when this is really obvious I call out through different ways the "X hero is missing", Missing mid chatwheel, typing X hero is going top with a haste get back, saying it over the mic and just pinging the shit out of the lane they're on their way to. But a good 50% of the time my team just doesn't care, stays for another 30 seconds and inevitably gets caught and feeds the enemy mid a nice double kill getting them the much needed boost to get back into the game

Aside from Tping in to lane and breaking my farm or delaying one of my timings to attempt to save them does anyone have any other suggestions?


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