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Tour 1 Div 1 has officially concluded! Here is my analysis of when the patch could drop!

DOTA 2 Guides

With EHOME defeating Xtreme Gaming China Div 1 has come to a close…

But now the real question is when we will be getting the next patch?

The last 4 patches, 7.32 a-d, ALL were released on a Tuesday morning at these times;

  • 7.32: 14:48
  • 7.32b: 14:26
  • 7.32c: 12:17
  • 7.32d: 14:48

Going back to the 7.31 patches, all EXCEPT 7.31b, were released on a Wednesday morning at these times;

  • 7.31: 14:45
  • 7.31c: 13:29
  • 7.31d: 16:10

Patch 7.31b was released on a Monday at 16:46.

So the most likely time for a pre-major patch is between;

Tuesday the 7th at 12:00 Seattle Time


Wednesday the 8th at 16:30 Seattle Time


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