traumatic day

Upgraded to a Krait phantom….enough for rebuy but not new modules.

Hang on, I'll do some on foot missions to ensure ship is safe! SRV off to do a "kill 6 sentry drones things" mission" as I've seen those randomly on a planet in Horizons, how hard can it be.

Get there….one skimmer, kill it YAY!! No others…..

People start coming out shooting, blam them with my SRV….ship turns up,, drops more people….SRV gets trapped, I get out…..proceed to die.

Ship impounded, fines mean no longer enough for impound fee…..what the hell do I do now!!! Trapped at a penal colony with no available missions.

HELP…..I'm regretting the upgrade! And buying odyssey last week, actual people on planets suck

Edit: loads of spellings


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