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Trying a solo run out after 6-7 MO.

Maypoles, Flower/Berry Spawns, & Seed Crops should increase honey yield.

I love this game a lot. Our group had a online shared server we rented with about 8 of us. As time went on more and more got bored or stopped. Around a year later we did another online server. same thing happened. I felt like trying a serious solo play through. The bosses feel a lot stronger than I remember. Am currently at the elder. I went in with all bronze armor, fine bow, and around 80 fire arrows. The boss him self seems way stronger than recall. I love the game, and am stubborn. on elder attempt 1. around 16 greydorfs, and a troll decided to join in. Killed the troll, and the greydorfs before finally biting it. I am not concerned about the additional mobs just the boss him self. fire arrows did nothing while his ranged root attack was hitting for about 1/4 my health with decent food under my belt. Is it worth solo as i progress? should i stop now? Curious what other valhiem players think/ feel. all input is appreciated.


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