Ty icefrog for killing a unique Hero — rip Techis —

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This could be an unpopular opinion but im sad seeing techis gone.
He was one of the small bunch of heroes who still had an interesting playstyle which you cant find in any other moba. Seenig this kinda makes me scared for the future of this game where every hero slowly drifts towards like 5 or 6 playstyles. Yes i get it that the community has some strong oppinios about this hero but ffs any guy who knows how to play the hero istn leaving his team playing 4v5 the whole game.

Techis new set of Abilities seems like he will be an pos 4 or 5 but definitly nothing more. Also you will probably never wipe 3/5 or a team cause you could predict their movement. His new kit is fine and he will be definitly a good support. Seeing his new aganims will make him a powerfull support even with no items besides a scepter. But removing his Signiture ability is just wrong on so many lvl. For me at least this is no longer my mineloving trio witch came to insist chaos.

TL;DR Fuck you icefrog for killing on of my favorit heroes cause noobs complain

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/szvdx8/ty_icefrog_for_killing_a_unique_hero_rip_techis/

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