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Unpopular opinion

On top of optimizing the gameplay of Odyssey so that it runs better (so basically bug fixing and performance optimization), I think FDev needs to prioritize overhauling the BGS.

The BGS is really the only thing keeping me playing right now (250 hours) because its the only thing giving me PURPOSE right now.

Mind you, I'm a relatively non-demanding player. I did hours of Sothis-Ceos passenger missions just to build up some capital to start purchasing more expensive ships and I didn't really mind it. I just of immersed myself in being a space taxi. But its not something I can do for over 100 hours.

Getting some exploration done in the witch head nebula and the human enclave located there (a short trip really) and doing a galaxy loop are on my bucketlist but they're lower down on the list.

What really keeps me coming back to this game is doing stuff with the BGS. I joined up with the Dark Wolf Marlinists Squadron after participating in the Marlinist CG some time ago. I wasn't sure what to expect in the beginning, but I can tell you that at this point, 1 month later, that RPing as a Marlinist militia with other members of the squadron to try to expand Marlinist influence against the tyrannical empire and the kleptocratic Federation is very motivating. Its even gotten me to progress beyond engineering only my FSDs.

I want FDev to rework the BGS so that helping minor factions that you are allied with and/or your PMF take over stations/outposts/settlements will actually give you benefits (free commodities that you can pick up at any time, ARX points, materials, a hefty discount on a rebuy). Could such a rework generate more conflict among PMFs and minor factions? Sure. Will it get sweaty? Sure, but you also don't have to participate AND there's a significant abundance of outposts/stations/settlements in the bubble that would take any PMF or player supported minor faction years to conquer all of. In a way, PMFs and minor factions are already vying for territorial control just for the sake of conflict in the first place, so giving some meaning to these conflicts beyond just RP would really develop the BGS.

I'm emphasizing the BGS because manipulating the BGS requires a group effort. In other words, you have to work with other players and you have to socialize with other players, which I find enjoyable. One of the things that keeps people coming back to more traditional MMOs is player-player interaction outside of just fighting people aka being in a clan and doing group activities with the clan. Overhauling the BGS can promote social activities between players, and I think that will help the game.


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