I feel like I can predict if my opponent is gonna show toxic behaviors by looking at their faction + leader combination.

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Disclaimer, this post is not meant to offend anyone for playing any specific faction, it’s just a simple observation from playing this game for the past few months.

I just reached rank 8 recently and I’ve noticed that whenever I see someone playing the MO faction with Eredin as their leader, they’re more likely to show ‘toxic’ behaviors such as roping and taunting constantly, rage-quitting, and/or not sending GG at the end. I just faced another such opponent today with the MO + Eredin combo who was roping every turn, taunting constantly (that “you shall perish, worm” taunt), and rage quitted at the end when it was obvious that he wasn’t gonna win. I was playing the NG Assimilate deck, which I admit, isn’t the most liked deck in the game but I only started playing this deck last week; before that I was mostly playing the NR Siege deck which I don’t think is that cancerous.

Again, I know not everyone who plays this combo is gonna be doing all these stuff but it happens kinda often with me, at least in lower ranks. Has anyone else noticed any specific faction + leader combo that makes you think “this guy’s gonna be roping and taunting the whole game”?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/rvjsgs/i_feel_like_i_can_predict_if_my_opponent_is_gonna/

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