Unpopular opinion? Horizon’s terrain is NOT better. Change my mind.

The only thing Horizons had going for it was more prevalent, steeper, sharper turning canyons for racing and hooning opportunities (a niche, though fun, activity), and more mountains like this on higher G planets where it didn't make sense.

I'm sorry Horizon's stalwarts, but that's just bland to me now. But yes I concede that it is different and change is hard.

The only thing I wish for is geological sciency gameplay. Every planet has something interesting I'd like to drill, sample and crack open, just like Curiosity on Mars.

Odyssey Improvements and Suggestions – Google Docs

I saw from orbit that this was a beast.

a 7km high mount doom

It had to be done… because it's there.

We knocked the bastard off — Sir Edmund Hillary, NZ legend.

Base camp. Yep I cheated a little.

Always good to get back home after worrying about running out of oxygen or breaking bones.

Watching out for Tusken Raiders. Often I just admire the atmospheric perspecive/ Rayleigh scattering

The fractured world.



Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/10fhf0x/unpopular_opinion_horizons_terrain_is_not_better/

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