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Used all my luck

So last night I was doing a scav raid on customs and ended up finding a bunch of purple stuff and everytime I found a new one my heart would beat faster and I ended up running into another scav shooting at idk what as I seen him he seen me and I thought it was over but he voip to me and asked if I was friendly I said yes as I ran away to secure my loot ended up passing a air drop that I couldn’t loot (idk why) but I seen another scav there and I got scared from how geared he looked and I shot him when I went to loot I noticed it was a scav and I knew it was a race to extract as all the scavs I pass would shoot at me I ended up killing another scav and shooting at 2 more to scare them away as I was extracting another scav had ran up and was shooting at me as I’m firing aimlessly hoping I don’t kill him or he kill me I luckily extract and I put my loot away and what not load up a pmc raid on customs and I get in and every container I loot has nothing in it I ended up with some loot and some scav kills but most the containers were empty I guess I used all my luck on the scav run 😂😂


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