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Valheim ignoring msi afterburner settings?

Valheim Guide: How to Acquire Strongest Weapon in the Game

Hello, i have a 3070 that by default I undervolt to achieve better temps without performance loss (known issue and recommended fix on youtube). I run cyberpunk/rdr2/mw without any issues.

For valheim, I've noticed it runs hotter and way louder that it basically is behaving like I've not undervolted at all. This is extremely obvious when near blizzards/mist around mountains or mistlands.

I've read some people have had this issue but none seem solved. I was wondering if anyone has any solutions. I run it on normal DX as opposed to vulkan. It was preciously running at 144 fps but i capped it at 90 vsync off because of high temps and loud fans but it still runs hotter than my norm which leads me to deduce it has somehow overridden my msi afterburner settings.

Please help! I would rather not have to lower it even further.


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