Ventures the latest disappointment

Scurvy Schoals the worst season of Ventures and the last stop of this trip, how you all know next season we return to Canny with the same modifier from last year, so here it ends and the loop begins.

I Expected more seasons with new modifiers but once again I feel disappointed, although I knew this from the first season, it was inevitable to fall into the loop, I knew that this romance with Ventures would have an end and that they would eventually stop developing content.

For the new ones it is always good that the content returned, but for us the older ones there is nothing left.

At first I was thinking of grinding up to 145 pl, if the conditions were met and the game retained some fun, but playing with the same Ventures modifier is like replaying dungeons for 4 times, or hit the road for the third time, it does not have sense.

They were going to slow down, but for me this is a sign that they definitely stopped.

There's nothing left of this game, just disappointment


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