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VKB Gladiator – Omni Throttle question

I'm looking to upgrade my Logitech X52 throttle and was thinking a Virpil throttle was my best option until I read about how some are using the VKB Gladiator Omni throttle – forward/backward as thrust, with left/right controlling strafe and twist Up/Down for vertical adjustments. That setup seems very intuitive and is making me rethink the Virpil.

However, I'm really wondering about scenarios like cold orbiting Thargoids with flight assist off… how well does this VKB configuration work? Does anyone use this setup like this?

I'm not experienced with cold orbiting but plan to give it a try soon, so I'm just thinking ahead at this point. I've watched a number of videos which made it seem like left/right, up/down input needed to be very precise. Would a 4-way hat switch would be easier in F/A off than a joystick rotated as a throttle? Or is a keyboard the best option for the precise F/A off thruster control?

I replaced the X52 stick a year ago with the VKB Gladiator and love it, so I understand the button options and its overall quality. Unfortunately, my X52 throttle sometimes doesn't register my boost button so it's time for something with more inputs and better quality.

I only play Elite …



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