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Walheim: how to make delicious mead and what it is for

So, I’ve been loving Valheim for a while now. I played it like 6 months ago and completed. Then I came back after H&H. Everything was great. I’d defeated all but the last boss. Decided to leave where one of my main camps were so I could locate the last boss area and went a long way, enjoying the travel and exploration. Then I got stuck on a sandbar directly next to a pretty big Fuling village where I got obliterated by Fulings and Deathsquitos.

I had never used cheats before, but I really didn’t want to sail all the way back and try to sneak in and get my stuff back. But I decided to use cheats and I got carried away….

I first flew around like a knucklehead, because it was fun. Then I saw that you can uncover the whole map, so I did it. For some reason when I did it erased my corpse location. So I decided to instead just spawn in all the stuff I lost. Then I went to a nearby Fuling village and spawned in some tamed Lox and watched them destroy the Fulings. Then a little more shenanigans.

Now I’ve found myself uninterested in the game. After cheating, the game lost the depth I enjoyed about it. I know it’s my fault, but it sucks.

So, my fellow Vikings, if you enjoy Valheim because of its challenge and survival aspects don’t cheat. It’s not worth it and you might just ruin a good thing


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