I am on day 79 so I am still pretty new but I have loved this game so far. Around day 15 or so, I played with a group who told me that powering up my survivors and unlocking all of my survivor spots was the only way to progress properly.
So I unlocked all of the survivor spots, filled them with matching personality types which got me to Power Level 120 about 6 days ago. Since then, I haven't been able to budge my power level beyond 120.
I am constantly battling with obtaining training manuals and trying to find Legendary survivors with the right personality type to update the few remaining purple survivors I have on my teams.
Did I do something incorrectly? I feel like I had to have messed something up to no longer be able to progress in a reasonable way in the last week.
Is it normal to plateau like this when dealing with survivors and power level?
Thanks in advance!
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/vdw1is/was_i_taught_to_play_incorrectly_progress_halted/